Overview of Elastic Media Cluster Mode

The Elastic Media Cluster mode is part of the MediantCE SBC, which is a software-based product that is installed and hosted in a cloud computing environment.

The MediantCE is composed of two component types:

Signaling Component (SC): The SC handles all SIP signaling traffic. It also determines which Media Component (see below) handles the specific media traffic, which is based on load balancing between the Media Components.
Media Components (MC): The MCs handle all media traffic, including transcoding functionality. Up to 21 MCs can be used with the deployed Mediant CE. Therefore, the MCs are virtual Media Components and indicated in the device's management interfaces as vMC.

The Mediant CE provides a unified configuration and management interface, which is implemented by the SC. This interface provides complete control over all Mediant CE components – both SC and MCs.

The Mediant CE supports High Availability (HA), which is implemented by:

Using two SC instances that operate in a 1+1 Active-Standby mode and provide high availability for management and signaling traffic.
Using multiple MC instances that operate in an N+1 Active-Active mode and provide capacity preservation for media traffic.

The Stack Manager tool is provided as part of the solution. It implements complete lifecycle management of the Mediant CE stack, including initial deployment, manual and automatic scaling, healing and service teardown.

The following figure provides an overview of the Mediant CE architecture.

Installation and configuration of the Mediant CE SBC is done through the Stack Manager. For installation and configuration of Mediant CE SBC, refer to the following documents:
Mediant Cloud Edition SBC Installation Manual
Stack Manager for Mediant CE SBC User's Manual
When deployed on Azure, to allow traffic between Azure Load Balancer health probe and the SC, see Firewall Rule to Allow Incoming Azure Load Balancer Traffic.